App Press Documentation

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Working With the Text Tool

You'll use the Text Layer tool to add sections of text to screens in your app. Here's a few tips and tricks for working with text in your app.

1. Open the screen you want to add text to in the studio, then click on the Text Tool icon (the capital "A") in the toolbar.

2. Move your mouse on your screen to the area you want to add text. Click and drag to create a text box, then begin typing. 

When you create a text box, the Layer Properties panel for your text layer appears. From the Layer Properties panel, you can edit text properties, including color, font, size, and line height. 

When you click “Done,” your text layer will no longer be selected. To edit the text layer you just created, you must select the text, then click “Edit Text” on the Layer Properties panel.

Our default color for any text created with the text tool is black. If you are working on a project with a dark screen, you may not see your text when you begin to type. Press "Command + A" ("Ctrl + A" on Windows computers) to highlight all the text in the bounding box, and change the color to something lighter.

3. Make sure your bounding box for the text layer you are working on is large enough for your text. If the bounding box is not large enough, you can cut off parts of your text. Here's an example of a bounding box that's not large enough for its text.

4. You can also create a box your users can scroll through to read the entirety of your text. Here's how it works.

Draw a text bounding box, paste all of your text within it, and then check the “enable scrolling” box on the Layer Properties Panel.

Last Updated:
November 18, 2016