App Press Documentation

Learn how to build mobile apps without writing code.

Adding a Responsive Website

You can use the "HTML Embed Layer" tool to add websites or blocks of code to your app. Once you've selected the tool from the tool bar, you'll be prompted to paste the URL of the website you want to add, or the code you want to use in your app.

Please note - any website you've added won't display properly inside the studio. You'll need to preview your app using App Press Now to see your changes.

Once you've saved your changes, the web content will be automatically loaded each time the page is displayed on a mobile phone or tablet.  

If the web site is unavailable or the device does not have a network connection, the Embed Layer will display no content.  Make sure to test your app by previewing your device, and ensure the embed layer works as expected.

Last Updated:
May 5, 2016