App Press Documentation

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App Store Review Process

Apple actively reviews all mobile apps before publishing them in the App Store. We recommend expecting the review process for your app to take one to two weeks after submission.

As of September 7, 2016, Apple has updated its review guidelines and has begun removing apps that provide a poor experience to users. Take a look at the App Store Review Guidelines to make sure your app is ready for review.

You can monitor the status of your app review in the "Manage your Applications" module on iTunes Connect.  If App Press submitted your app on your behalf, our team will also monitor your review process.  

For more information and details, review the iTunes Connect Developer Guide.

Authorized individuals on your developer account will get automated emails as your app progresses through the Apple review process.  The key steps to watch for are “Waiting for review”, “In review”, “Processing for App Store” and “Available for sale”.  If your application review is rejected by Apple, contact us to assist you with making changes and/or re-submitting your application.

Apple will allow you to request an expedited review if you face extenuating circumstances, such as a critical bug fix or timing constraints. This request can be done from your Developer Account.

Last Updated:
May 10, 2016