App Press Documentation

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How to Add Navigation

Our hotspot tool allows you to add navigation, by linking together screens in your app, social accounts, and external websites. Here's how to get started.

First, select the hotspot tool from the panel and draw over an area to allow touch navigation. 

When you draw a touch enabled area, you'll be prompted by to select whether you are linking to a page within your app, social sharing, or adding a web link. 

When you link to a page in your app, you can also choose transition type (move-in, reveal, dissolve, push, none) and transition direction. 

If you are hotspotting a social share, you’ll choose the method of sharing (Facebook, Twitter, email, message) and enter the default text. 

To link to an external website, simply enter the URL and choose if you want it to open within the app or in a browser.

Another way to think of hotspots is as invisible buttons in your app that can do something - navigate to a page, send a social message, or open a web site.

Video Tutorial

Last Updated:
October 7, 2014