App Press Documentation

Learn how to build mobile apps without writing code.

August 16th 2016 (0.62.0) Release Notes

Our latest release brings a ton of fixes for our Dropbox integration, and some good news for the map fans in the crowd. We've improved our Mapbox integration as well, and fixed a number of bugs in the App Press studio.

Here's a full list of what's been updated.

Key New Features - App Press Studio

  • We've fixed numerous bugs with our Dropbox integration, and managing files from your Dropbox account is now much more reliable.
  • You'll now receive a warning message when you attempt to upload a video format that's not supported with your current layout.

Key Bug Fixes

  • We've improved Mapbox response handling.
  • A couple of issues with deleting assets have been fixed. Assets used in a deleted page can now be deleted, and page actions will no longer show links to deleted assets.
  • Project Overview save text is now reset correctly when a save is complete.
  • We've fixed a bug with editing Audio/Video layers.
  • We've increased the default height of the Audio layer in iOS to display properly when previewing on App Press Now.
  • We've added a comma validation to the URL field on the hotspot tool to make it possible to add phone numbers.
  • You will now see an empty page error message if you try to publish an Android app with missing pages in its layout.

Key New Features - App Press Now (Android)

  • You can now track if push notifications have been received and opened using Google Analytics.

Key Bug Fixes

  • We've squashed a few bugs with the Text Layer tool, and your text layers will now be easier to work with.

New Version Numbers

Studio, version 0.62.0, released 08-16-2016 

Client, version 0.62.6, released 08-16-2016 

App Press Now (Android), version 1.15.6, released 08-16-2016

Last Updated:
August 11, 2016