App Press Documentation

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How to Edit Hotspot Transitions

You'll use our hotspot tool to add touch-enabled navigation. When you create a hotspot, you can also add a transition style, including animation. Here's how to edit the transition style once you've added a hotspot.

1. In the studio, select the hotspot you want to edit, then view the Actions Panel. You'll see information about the hotspot's current transition type.

2. Clicking on the description of the action will open the Action Configuration dialogue box.

3. You will see what the hotspot is currently set to, including a small animation of the transition.

4. Edit the Transition Type and Transition Direction (unless the Transition Type is set to “Dissolve” or “Auto”) to change the hotspot’s transition action.

5. Save and preview your app with App Press Now to see your updated hotspot transition.

Last Updated:
November 18, 2016