App Press Documentation

Learn how to build mobile apps without writing code.

Publishing Your App to the Apple App Store

In order to publish your app in the App Store, the App Press team needs access to your developer account and iTunes Connect. These two environments are part of the Apple publishing process, and we need to get permission by the account creator to create the IPA file that will end up in the Apple Store. 

 Inviting us to your account creates a secure way for us to work on your future app without requiring any of your personal information. 

Once you have your Apple developer account set up and your developer subscription fee paid, you can invite people or entities into your account and assign roles to them. To publish your app, you need to invite App Press to your account as an admin. This will give us the permission to start the creating of your app and the certificates necessary for a successful app deployment into the store. 

Your Apple Developer Account gives you access to two sites: the Apple developer program to manage your developer agreements, certificates, and contracts, and iTunes Connect to manage the content you have in the App Store, like app information, distribution, and pricing.

Add App Press to Your Apple Developer Account

First, login to your Apple Developer Account.

Once you've logged in, click on the "People" tab in the menu to the left.

From here, Click on the “Invite People” button.

Send an invitation as Admins to “” (don't forget - replace “nameofmyproject” with the actual name of your app project) and click invite. After that, please send your account manager a quick note to verify we received the invitation.

Add App Press to iTunes Connect

First, login to your iTunes Connect account.

Click on the “Users and Roles” section

Next, click on the + sign next to Users

Enter the following information:

  1. First name “App”
  2. Last name “Press”
  3. email “”

Click "Next" when you're finished.

Select the Admin role, and apps if you have any.

Click save to send your invitation.

You're done! Please contact your account manager to confirm that we've received your invitation.

Last Updated:
November 3, 2016