App Press Documentation

Learn how to build mobile apps without writing code.

How to Market Your App

Marketing your app is similar to any other marketing activity you undertake. Your app marketing strategy will require effort and vigilance to stay connected to your audience.

Here are a few tips for improving the success rate of your application:

  • Keep your app title simple and easy to understand.
  • Write a good description using keywords to improve search rankings.
  • Monitor your app analytics using Google Analytics and your developer accounts.
  • Use social media to create buzz about your app, release exciting updates, and engage with your users. Don’t forget to include social feeds in your app!
  • Review similar apps and compare marketing tactics.
  • A good old fashioned press release can go a long way - search your app’s topic to find relevant publications that might be willing to review your app.

App Store Optimization

The best way to improve your app's ranking in app store searches is by optimizing your app's title, description, screenshots, and more. App Store Optimization is a complex, evolving industry, and we wrote a starter guide here, on the App Press blog:

A Crash Course on App Store Optimization

This post will walk you through the basics of app store optimization, and provides tips on how to make your app easier to find in app stores.

Last Updated:
May 9, 2016