How to Add Videos to Your App

We've added more options for adding video and audio files to your app. Read the full post to find out how it works!
Tyler Moore

Tyler helps spread the word about App Press, and helps new customers get started with our software.

We’ve given you a lot more options for adding video files to your app with our most recent update. App Press has supported embedding YouTube videos for a long time, and now you can also upload your own video files.

Bonus! You can add audio files to your app now, too. Here’s a quick overview of how our updated Audio / Video Layer tool works.

How to Add Videos to Apps

First, you’ll need to add some files to your project. We currently support .MP4, .MOV, .M4V, and .WEBM video formats, and .MP3 audio files.

Uploading video and audio files

Once you’ve uploaded some assets, you’ll select the Audio / Video Layer tool in the left hand panel, then choose to embed a video.

Choosing a video file to place

You’ll be able to choose an uploaded video, or embed a YouTube video link. For a YouTube video, you’ll simply need to paste in the full URL of the video to place the video in your app.

When you choose to embed an uploaded video, you’ll first search for it by file name, then resize and reposition your video once it’s been placed.

Adding a video to your app
Repositioning a video file

Adding audio files works the same way. Here’s a closer look at adding audio files to your mobile app project.

How to Add Audio Files to Apps

Using the Audio / Video Layer tool, you’ll choose to add an audio file instead of a video file.

Choosing an audio file

Once again, after selecting your audio file, you’ll be able to resize and reposition it inside of your app screen.

Repositioning an audio file

That’s all there is to it! Keep in mind - adding many video and audio files can increase the size of your app, but this is a good option if you're only adding a few files and don't want to rely on your users having a reliable internet connection.

Send us a message at if you’ve got any questions about how to add video to your app.

We’ve recently updated your project overview page, and here’s a post we wrote with some more details. You can also check out our full release notes for June on our documentation page.

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